Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Terror of Super-Mizerly Gaming

Yo, is there any independent game store in Vegas that'll sell me a loose Genesis cart for less than five bucks? I'd gladly spend 45 minutes tooling around in "Predator 2" or something, but once it costs a fiver I hit some kind of psychological threshold that says... well, I guess that "Predator 2" isn't worth five bucks.

And it's not like the good Genny games are five bucks, anything even remotely well known is closer to ten, and anything REALLY good is more like $30 or $40. For god's sakes, their "Super Mario & Duck Hunt" carts were going for ten bucks a pop, and they're so common they're used as skeet shooting targets.

In short, buying old games is more expensive than I'm comfortable with.

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